
Friday, August 30, 2013

David Goes to School

After reading the book David Goes to School by David Shannon and agreeing upon our classroom rules, the students were given the task of creating a fun craft of the main character David. It was a great opportunity for me to learn about each student's ability to follow multi-step directions. The products were spectacular! Below is a picture of 2F's phenomenal work!

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Money Games

This year we will continue to implement Math Common Core Standards.  One of the initial skills students will be taught is coin identification.  Students will also be learning the values of each coin in order to accurately count money. In an attempt to solidify these skills, I will be posting a variety of games that can be played at home on the computer.  From time to time, students will play these games at school either in the computer lab or during guided math.  It is important that their learning is reinforced at home as well.  Please encourage your child to take advantage of these educational games.

Fruit Shoots Coins  
Fruit Shoots 2
Fruit Shoots Dollar and Cents
Matching Coins-Level 1
Counting Money
Quarters to $ and Cents
Dollars, Dimes and Pennies to Dollars and Cents
Count US Coins
Lunch Lady

Monday, August 26, 2013

Behavior Calendar

On the first day of attendance, students were given a behavior calendar for August in order to communicate with their parents about their behavior at school.  I want to inform all parents that you only need to talk to your child about their behavioral choices if they have clipped down to Think About It (blue), Teacher's Choice (purple) or Parent Contact (pink). Students who are on Ready to Learn (green), Great Job (orange) or Outstanding (red) have consistently made good choices throughout the day. The calendar does not refer to Ready to Learn (green) as being an appropriate place to end the day; however, I want to reassure you that if you see the color green on your child's calendar it means that they have exhibited positive behavior.  Please be sure to look at your child's calendar each night and initial it in the the appropriate square.  

Sunday, August 25, 2013

Water Bottles

As many of you may have already heard, the temperatures over the next two days are going to be quite steamy.  Please send your child to school with a water bottle so that they can remain hydrated throughout the day.

Daily 5 and CRAFT

The Daily 5 is a management system that I will use during reading to allow students more time for independent reading activities and myself more time for independent and group conferencing with students. The Daily 5 helps students to develop "stamina" by practicing 5 specific reading tasks daily until they have developed the ability to complete these tasks for a prolonged period of time without interruption. These five tasks are:
Read to Self
Read to Someone
Work on Writing
Listen to Reading
Word Work
As students become independent in these tasks, the teacher can allow students to independently develop reading comprehension, accuracy, fluency, and vocabulary while he works with students to sharpen those skills even further. Through Daily 5, students also learn that there is more than one way to read a book and that each way of reading a book makes them a better reader. Practice some of the ways of reading a book at home with your child!
Read the Pictures
Read the Words
Retell the Story
The Daily 5 also fosters an awareness in readers unlike any other. Students are encouraged to select books that are "Good Fit" books for them. They should be books that interest them but that also are not too hard and not too easy. We even recall the story of Goldilocks and the Three Bears when we learn about "Good Fit" books because we are reminded of Goldilocks finding the things that were "just right" for her in that story! When your student wants to find a "Good Fit" book, encourage them to use the "Five Finger Rule." 
Look at the cover.
Read the Title and the Author.
Read the blurb on the back.
Flip through the book.
Read the first page.
Use the 5 Finger Rule (fingers represent unknown words on one page):
0-1 Fingers - Too easy

2-3 Fingers - Good fit

4-5 Fingers - Too hard
But most importantly, I want to make sure that students are reading books that interest them in a way that makes them want to read more and read on. For this we use our I-PICK strategy to gauge interest in a book to decide if it's the right book for us. Not everyone will like the same book -and that's ok! 

I choose a book. 

Purpose - Why am I reading it? 

Interest - Does it interest me? 

Comprehend - Do I understand it? 

Know - Can I read most of the words?

(This is where a 5 Finger Strategy should be used.)

Click here for more information on the Daily 5.

CRAFT is an acronym for Comprehension, Respond to Text, Accuracy, Fluency and Text Features - all of the essential elements for building a strong reader! With each letter from our acronym come many lessons, activities, and strategies to develop the areas with which your student struggles. Through individual conferencing and small group meetings, I will be able to deliver lessons that are relevant to the students who need them and focus my attention on their specific development in areas where they are weaker. By using CRAFT in conjunction with the Daily 5, I will be able to engage all students in independent, meaningful reading activities while allowing myself time to meet with students individually or in groups to focus on their specific needs.

Click here for more information about  CRAFT.

Stop, Walk, Talk

Gombert and all schools in District 204 are implementing a Bully Prevention Program called Stop-Walk-Talk. The goal of Stop-Walk-Talk is to “give students the tools to reduce bullying behavior through the blending of school-wide positive behavior support, explicit instruction, and a redefinition of the bullying construct.”

This week in Second Grade, your child will be learning some valuable steps in confronting bullies they may encounter at school. When students observe another student not following one of the 3 BEs of Gombert – Be Respectful, Be Resposible and Be Safe – they will initiate the Stop-Walk-Talk method.

The method is simple and easy to execute. Students first let their bully know that they would like them to stop their behavior by giving a firm “Stop Sign” with their hand raised up in the air, palm out. If the bullying continues, the student is encouraged to walk away or remove themselves from the situation. The final step, Talk, is used only when the behavior continues beyond the stop and walk. If the student finds that Stop and Walk have not helped them to remove themselves from a bullying situation, they are encouraged to find the nearest adult, teacher, or supervisor to inform them of the situation.

It is our hope that students will begin to use Stop-Walk-Talk to prevent bullying to themselves or their peers. We will continue to revisit these procedures throughout the year so that students may gain independence in their use.

Clip Chart

The clip chart is a behavior management system that promotes positive behavior among students. Each student's number is placed on a clothespin and clipped  to a chart located in the front of the room. There are seven categories which include: Ready to Learn, Good Day, Great Job, Outstanding, Think About It, Teacher’s Choice and Parent Contact. Each student begins their day on Ready to Learn. Throughout the day students have the opportunity to move their clip up the clip chart by following the classroom expectations. When students do this, they will be asked to “clip up” by the classroom teacher. Students who do not follow the expectations will, respectfully, be asked to “clip down.” The Think About It level of the Clip Chart aligns with the Setting Limits behavior management program as the warning at which point students will be provided with two choices. 

If their misbehavior continues the student will be asked to move their clip down to Teacher’s Choice and will be asked to reflect on their choices as in the Setting Limits behavior management program. When this occurs, a student may be given a Behavior Reflection note to fill out and take home to their parents. The teacher also has the option of giving the student a reflection break. If this occurs, the student will be asked to take his or her work to a designated area for approximately 7-8 minutes. After this time, they will return to their desk. The last category on the clip chart is Parent Contact. If a child has to move their clip to this section of the chart the parents will be contacted by phone.

Students may redeem themselves by showing appropriate behavior. If this occurs they are allowed to move back up the chart; however; they will still receive the consequence for being on Teacher’s Choice or Parent Contact. Each child will be encouraged to do their very best. It will be communicated to each student that everyone makes mistakes. It is what we do after we have made those mistakes that matters the most. It is all about CHOICES! For more information regarding this behavior management system please click here.

Papers, Papers, Papers!

During the first week of school many papers were sent home that needed to be signed by a parent/guardian and returned to school. I am extremely happy to report that many students have been returning these important papers in a timely manner. However, there are students who still need to return papers. Below is a list of forms that were sent home. Please take the time to ensure that you have signed and given them to your child to return to school.
  • Snack Permission
  • Transportation Form
  • Student Handbook Form
  • Mystery Reader Sign-Up (optional)
  • Parent Communication
  • Blog Permission
  • BYOT Permission
  • Volunteer Form (optional)
  • Classroom Management
Also, please remember that Scholastic book orders will be due on Tuesday, September 4th.  The money for the "Time For Kids" magazine subscription will be due on this date as well.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Transportation Form

Today your child should have brought home a transportation form. Please fill out this sheet and send it back to school at your earliest convenience.  It is very helpful to have the transportation information on file  in the office in case of an emergency.  Thank you so much for completing all of beginning of the year forms!  I know it is a lot.

Tumble Books

Gombert subscribes to the Tumble Book Library, an online collection of animated, talking  books (created from existing picture books).  To get started click here or go to www.tumblebooks.com.  Enter our school's user name and password in the sign-in fields at the top of the page.

User Name: ipsd
Password: books

You can also find this link under the "Literacy Links" tab located at the top of the page.

Happy Reading!

Class Schedule

Our class schedule has been added to the bottom of this blog.  Please scroll down to view.  Also,please remind your children to wear their gym shoes on P.E. days and to return library books in before their next checkout day.

Blog Permission

Below is the introduction letter that I sent home requesting your permission to post student pictures, work, and movies on my blog.  Please be aware that this blog will only feature your student's work, name, and pictures if you give consent.

Feel free to download the letter at any point if you change your mind about your child's privacy on my blog.

Thank you!

Blog Letter